The church at Llangarron is the only church in England to be dedicated to the Celtic saint St. Deinst, first Bishop of Bangor in Wales


It proved impossible to include the top of the spire in the photo!

Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - exterior










Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - interior












Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - font











Rowland Scudamore 1697

and his wife who died in childbirth





Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - memorial plaque










William Gwylliam

Memorial to William and Jane, son and daughter of Robert Gwylliam. Dated 1698




Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - memorial2












Margaret Tovey

Edmund Eckley devotes this Memorial to his belov\’d Aunt, Margaret Tovey, wife of Edward Tovey Esq. of Treribble in this Parish, and fifth daughter of Edmund Eckley of Credenhill in this County. She died April 21st 1803 aged 71




Llangarron - Herefordshire - St. Deinst - memorial3