Tales of strict sentencing and accidents

1833 – Horse Stealing

Edward Lewis and William Jones were found guilty of the theft of a horse from Mr. Griffiths at Winifred Hill, Kimbolton.

Mr. Griffiths noticed that his brown gelding had gone on 3rd March, but tracked it down to Allbrighton Fair, where Edward Lewis had every intention of selling it.

At the trial, William Jones was given excellent character references, and his part in the theft was negligible as it turned out, but the Judge said that his hands were tied and he was unable to show leniency.

Both men were sentenced to transportation for life.

1841 – Sad Drowning of Little Girl at Kimbolton

Louisa Yates, a six year old who was unable to speak, was playing near a small but deep pool next to her house.  She was seen by a neighbour at dusk.

Shortly afterwards, the mother noticed that Louisa was missing, and the resulting search found her in the pool.

She was carried into the house, but was found to be dead.

1842 – Theft of Wheat at Kimbolton

Joseph Hall stole some wheat from Aaron Jain in Kimbolton – he was caught, charged, and sentenced to seven years’ transportation.

1842 – Theft of One Linen Shirt

John Langford stole a linen shirt from George Bray of Kimbolton, and was sentenced on conviction to twelve months’ hard labour.

1855 – Pensioner Tries to Run Away from Wife

Thomas Blakeway, a gentleman of advanced years, was charged with running away from his wife in Kimbolton, and leaving her chargeable thereto.

He was found guilty and was committed to the House of Correction for one month.

1856 – Sudden Death Whilst Cutting Bacon

Ann Bowers was cutting some bacon when she suddenly fell down and died.

Verdict at inquest was Died by the Visitation of God.

1857 – Well Accident

Thomas Blakeway, a pensioner, was lowered down the shaft of a well belonging to Mr. Owens of Kimbolton, in order that he could retrieve the bucket and chain which had dropped down there.

Unfortunately, the rope to which he was attached, broke, and he fell to the bottom.  William Smith, a young man with a ladder, eventually brought Thomas to the top of the well, but he was found to be dead from a fractured skull.