Horses, threshing machines, weather and more
1812 – Riding a Horse without Permission at Winforton
James Morgan was convicted of riding a mare belong to his master Robert Pritchard, without permission on two occasions at night.
The Rev. Dr. Clutton committed James to the House of Correction for one month.
1820 – Kicked by Horse at Winforton
Thomas Jones was grooming a horse when it kicked out and killed him.
1841 – Threshing Machine Accident at Winforton
John Rotheroe, an eleven year old boy, was working a threshing machine when he became entangled in the works and was crushed to death.
1856 – Butler Drops Dead at Winforton
John Freeman worked as a butler for the Rev. W. Domvile at Winforton; one day he was going about his duties when without warning he fell down and died.
Arthur Robert Lomax gave his opinion that the death was caused by an attack of apoplexy.
1860 – Another Threshing Machine Accident at Winforton
Thomas Davies, a 36 year old man, was working with a threshing machine at the farm of Mr. Brown of Winforton when his leg became entangled.
Mr. Lomax, a surgeon of Eardisley attended to him and then moved him to the informary where Thomas was found to have a compound comminuted fracture of his right leg and it was amputated that night.
Three days later, Thomas developed phlebitis and died shortly afterwards leaving a widow and four children.
1860 – Appalling Summer
In the year of 1860 the weather in Herefordshire was absolutely awful, with no real sun or heat just endless rain and wind with cold nights.
The rain was frequently torrential and crops were suffering.
1860 – Drunk and Disorderly
William Lloyd and Edward Prothero were charged with being drunk and disorderly at Eardisley.
It turned out that Edward Prothero was the parish constable for Winforton, and no doubt shamefacedly he pleaded guilty to the offence.
Both men were fined £1 plus expenses.
1867 – Drunk and Riotous
Thomas Chance of Eardisley was summoned for being drunk and riotous at Winforton on a Coursing Meeting day.
Thomas had no defence because he could remember nothing about it!
He was fined 5s plus costs.